Check presentation to Vandy

On Wednesday, September 28, 2013, The Cooper Trooper Foundation presented a check for $30,000.00 to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. This gift is the 2nd installment of a $100,000.00 Endowed Fund set up by CTF with Children’s Hospital, specifically for pediatric cancer research. Missy Cook, co-founder of CTF, along with her 3 boys (Carson, Colby, and Cooper) presented the check at the Butterfly Garden in Children’s Hospital. Dr. Howard Mark Katzenstein, Dr. Debra Friedman, and Dr. Richard Ho of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology and Janet Cross, CCLS Director, Patient/Family-Center Care gratefully accepted our check. Our commitment to financially support the severely under-funded area of research for treatment and cures of childhood cancer continues. We will NOT stop fighting for the families whose lives have been, currently are, and will be turned upside down with the words, “YOUR CHILD HAS CANCER.”